Wednesday, October 21, 2009

My feet hurt

Yeah people blog about the stupidest shit. Don't get me wrong some blogs are awesome. But some (like this one) is a waist of time. So stop reading it and get some work done.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Everyone wants heaven but no one wants to die... we seek and we find and sometimes we don't like the taste... but we've made our plate and we must live with it. "It's not me its my neurosis..." Good give a fuck! Life is difficult and it is that way in part because we make it that way. What have I done to offend? Does it even matter? No not one bit because we won't improve ourselves. We will just shape our sorrows into a crutch an take it to the next encounter.

It been a while...

Haven't had much to say that would make a difference in the world. Been playing WoW a lot, to my wife's chagrin. But its fun EVERYONE NEEDS TO TRY BEFORE THEY JUDGE. Hm I think I'm done for now but I might be back. I am looking for an app that will let me do this from my iPhone. If anyone has a suggestion please let me know, thanks all... gotta go!